407 Opensource Templates

Free Jekyll themes

Minimal Mistakes screenshot

A popular and well maintained Jekyll theme suitable for blogs, personal and portfolio sites. This theme is extremely well coded, highly customizable and well documented.

Jekyll screenshot



:globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby

Eleventy screenshot

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

Academicpages.github.io screenshot

Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

Al Folio screenshot

A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics

Octicons screenshot

A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub

Metalsmith screenshot

An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator for Node.js

Huxpro.github.io screenshot

My Blog / Jekyll Themes / PWA

Mqtt.org screenshot

The mqtt.org website

Home Assistant.io screenshot

:blue_book: Home Assistant User documentation

Assemble screenshot

Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websites/static site generator, an alternative to Jekyll for gh-pages and m...

Choosealicense.com screenshot

A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project

Fastpages screenshot

An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks.

Minima screenshot



Minima is a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers.

Jekyll TeXt Theme screenshot

💎 🐳 A super customizable Jekyll theme for personal site, team site, blog, project, documentation, etc.

Qiubaiying.github.io screenshot

BY Blog ->

Jekyll Admin screenshot

A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.

Staticman screenshot

💪 User-generated content for Git-powered websites

Moon screenshot



🌓 Moon is a minimal, one column jekyll theme.

So Simple Theme screenshot

A simple Jekyll theme for words and pictures.

Modern Resume Theme screenshot

A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.

Resume Template screenshot

:page_facing_up::briefcase::tophat: A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.

Gifs screenshot



:joy: :camera: :sparkler: Storage place for all mah gifs.

Jekyll Seo Tag screenshot

A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site's content.

Mzlogin.github.io screenshot

Jekyll Themes / GitHub Pages 博客模板 / A template repository for Jekyll based blog

Remote In Japan screenshot

Tech companies in Japan that hire remote workers.

Minimal screenshot

Minimal is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Formulae.brew.sh screenshot

🏎 An online formulae browser for Homebrew

Simple Jekyll Search screenshot

A JavaScript library to add search functionality to any Jekyll blog.

Markdown Cv screenshot

a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.

Pages Cms screenshot

A user-friendly CMS for static site generators.

Cayman screenshot



Cayman is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Awesome Resources screenshot

:sunglasses: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!

default image

:art: Asset pipelines for Jekyll.

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jekyll extensions for the blogging scholar

7z screenshot



7-Zip Official Chinese Simplified Repository (Homepage and 7z Extra package)

Artsy.github.io screenshot

The Artsy Engineering Open-Source Developers Blog

Wordpress To Jekyll Exporter screenshot

One-click WordPress plugin that converts all posts, pages, taxonomies, metadata, and settings to Markdown and YAML which can be dropped into Jekyll (or Hugo or any other Markdown and YAML based site engine).

default image

⛴ Docker images, and CI builders for Jekyll.

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📓 Memo Life For You

default image

🎉 A clean and delicate Jekyll theme. Jekyll博客主题

Hacker screenshot



Hacker is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

default image

Source of the https://www.ruby-lang.org website.

Photography screenshot

A free online portfolio website to showcase your photos.

Digital Garden Jekyll Template screenshot

Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱

Jekyll Auth screenshot

A simple way to use GitHub OAuth to serve a protected Jekyll site to your GitHub organization

Burger screenshot



Burger - The minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation.

Jekflix Template screenshot

A Jekyll theme inspired by Netflix. 🎬

Moving screenshot



A clean and minimalist theme for Jekyll.

default image

A collection of reverse engineered Apple things, as well as a machine-readable database of Apple hardware

default image

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Seamlessly specify multiple redirections URLs for your pages and posts.

Reverie screenshot

:art: A ridiculously elegant Jekyll theme.

Circleci Docs screenshot

Documentation for CircleCI.

Bchiang7.github.io screenshot

Third iteration of my personal website built with Jekyll

default image

A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS & BrowserSync

Opensource.microsoft.com screenshot

This is the source code to the Microsoft Open Source site featuring projects, program information, and "get involved" pages. This site is published at opensource.microsoft.com and managed by the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office (OSPO).

Caniemail screenshot

Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails.

Mobile App Landingpage Template screenshot

📱 Free to use static generated website template for your mobile app

Long Haul screenshot

A minimal, type-focused Jekyll theme.

default image

Templates for rendering RSS feeds for your Jekyll blog

Jekyll_picture_tag screenshot

Easy responsive images for Jekyll.

Pretzel screenshot

A site generation tool (and then some) for .NET platforms

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Supercharge Jekyll development with Yeoman. Yo, Jekyllrb!

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🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, mermaid, emoji, video, audio, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, spotify, etc.

default image

[UNSUPPORTED] Jekyll + lunr.js = static websites with powerful full-text search using JavaScript

Csinva.github.io screenshot

Slides, paper notes, class notes, blog posts, and research on ML 📉, statistics 📊, and AI 🤖.

Jekyll Paginate V2 screenshot

Pagination Generator for Jekyll 3 (enhanced replacement for the old built-in jekyll-paginate gem) ⛺

Jekyll Import screenshot

:inbox_tray: The "jekyll import" command for importing from various blogs to Jekyll format.

Swiss screenshot



Jekyll theme inspired by Swiss design

Jekyll Toc screenshot

A GitHub Pages compatible Table of Contents generator without a plugin or JavaScript :octocat:

Slinkity screenshot

To eleventy and beyond! The all-in-one tool for templates where you want them, component frameworks where you need them 🚀

Documentation screenshot

This repository hosts the documentation for 96Boards products and specifications.

Minimal Light screenshot

A simple and elegant Jekyll theme for an academic personal homepage

Made Mistakes Jekyll screenshot

Deprecated source for mademistakes.com. Previously built with Jekyll, Gulp, and Netlify.

Meshery.io screenshot

Site for Meshery, the cloud native manager

Resume Website screenshot

Website for JSON Resume. 🏡 DEPRECATED - SEE MONO

Terminus screenshot


Photo Stream screenshot

Self-hosted, super simple photo stream

Jekyll Gitbook screenshot

Build Jekyll site with GitBook style!

Kmeans_pytorch screenshot

kmeans using PyTorch

Space Jekyll Template screenshot

A simple spacemacs template on jekyll. https://victorvoid.github.io/space-jekyll-template/

Gulp Tutorial screenshot

Code examples for my Gulp.js tutorial series.

Will Jekyll Template screenshot

A simple Jekyll theme.

Polyglot screenshot

:abc: Multilingual and i18n support tool for Jekyll Blogs

Mm Github Pages Starter screenshot

Minimal Mistakes GitHub Pages site starter.

GuangLun2000.github.io screenshot

(Minimalism Style) Powered by Jekyll, based on the Minimal Mistakes theme and Jason Ansel's website

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Place to contribute if you are a first timer

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A Jekyll plugin that generates photo galleries from directories full of images.

MarlinDocumentation screenshot

Marlin Firmware Documentation Project

Edition Jekyll Template screenshot

:books: Product documentation template for Jekyll

Siberiawolf.github.io screenshot


Trailing Slash Guide screenshot

Understand and fix your static website trailing slash issues!

default image

Open source for http://trumptracker.github.io/

Vuepress Theme Ktquez screenshot

A blog theme for VuePress by Ktquez 🤘

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A fast Go implementation of the Jekyll blogging engine

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A Yeoman generator for Jekyll to rapidly build sites using Gulp

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An unopinionated Jekyll plugin for generating and using responsive images

Almace Scaffolding screenshot

AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework fighting against the website obesity.

Academic File Converter screenshot

📚 Import Bibtex publications and Jupyter Notebook blog posts into your Markdown website or book. 将Bibtex转换为Markdown网站

Base Jekyll Template screenshot

:blue_book: Knowledge base template for Jekyll

Sbt Microsites screenshot

An sbt plugin to create awesome microsites for your project

Hyde screenshot



A front-end to Jekyll that parses C++ sources to produce and enforce out-of-line documentation

default image

Jekyll plugin which generates a table of contents.

Cards Jekyll Template screenshot

A simple Jekyll Template Card Based.

Agency Jekyll Theme screenshot

Jekyll version of the newest Agency Bootstrap theme, plus new features: Google Analytics, Markdown support, custom pages, and more!

Docs screenshot



Parse Platform docs

default image

🪂 A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.

default image

Jekyll in a Docker Container For Easy SSG Development

Architect screenshot

Architect is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Tmaize Blog screenshot


default image

Instant web curriculum generator for developers

Halve screenshot



Stylish Two-Column Jekyll Theme

Resume screenshot



A minimalist resume template for Jekyll and Hexo

Slate screenshot



Slate is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

default image

Jekyll plugin for building Jekyll sites with any GitHub-hosted theme

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A port of the Airspace theme by ThemeFisher to Jekyll.

default image

A collection of awesome static hosting & CMS providers

Jekyll Dash screenshot

🌒 Light and dark blog theme for Jekyll, inspired by Dash UI for Atom.

Midnight screenshot

Midnight is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Github Metadata screenshot

Jekyll plugin to propagate the `site.github` namespace and set default values for use with GitHub Pages.

Nef screenshot



💊 steroids for Xcode Playgrounds

Reptar screenshot



static sites that roar

default image

Simple and smooth Back To Top button

Jekyll Gist screenshot

:page_with_curl: Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites.

Primer screenshot



Primer is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Tutorials screenshot

🗒 codebar's tutorials

Just The Class screenshot

A modern, highly customizable, responsive Jekyll template for course websites.

Website screenshot

Hack for LA's website

Godot Website screenshot

The code for the official Godot Engine website. A static site built using Jekyll.

default image

Embed videos in Jekyll webpages without a plugin (Youtube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Streamable, Google Drive clips + more)

default image

Jekyll HTML/XML/CSS/JS Minifier utilising yui-compressor, and htmlcompressor

Jekyll Starter Tailwind screenshot

Jekyll starter styled with Tailwind CSS

Open Publisher screenshot

Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. With a focus on fiction.

Fast_template screenshot

A template for really easy blogging with GitHub Pages

Bootstrap 4 Github Pages screenshot

A Bootstrap 4 template project for Github Pages and Jekyll

default image

A Liquid tag plugin for the Jekyll blogging engine that embeds Tweets, Timelines and more from Twitter API

Nationalsecurityagency.github.io screenshot

Site for NSA's Open Source project listing

Nkd screenshot



Template for jekyll project with postcss and browser-sync

default image

Straightforward grunt.js Jekyll plugin.

Jmcglone.github.io screenshot

Data for jmcglone.com. Includes customization of Bootstrap 3.0. Blog and pages generated by Jekyll. Hosted on GitHub.

Leonidk.github.io screenshot

a fork of https://jonbarron.info/ for use in jekyll builds with markdown page updates

Jekyll Analytics screenshot

Plugin to easily add webanalytics to your jekyll site. Currently Google Analytics, Piwik and mPulse are supported.

default image

Flow-based reimplementation of the Jekyll static site generator

GotToVote screenshot

GotToVote is a toolkit of simple web and SMS services that help citizens get to the ballot box informed and ready to vote. Kenya version accessible at https://kenya.gottovote.cc

Oscailte screenshot

Oscailte — A powerful light, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme.

Git Wiki Theme screenshot

A revolutionary full-featured wiki for github pages and jekyll. You don't need to compile it!

Blogdown Jekyll screenshot

Automatically knit R Markdown documents, build them with Jekyll, and serve the website with servr locally

Paper Jekyll Theme screenshot

A minimal Jekyll theme for personal blogs

Hackercouch screenshot

Hospitality for Hackers

Leap Day screenshot

Leap day is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Post Scheduler screenshot

Schedule posts & content updates for static websites (Jekyll, Hugo, Gatsby, Phenomic etc)

Zolan screenshot



Zolan is a minimal blog theme for Jekyll.

Docsy Jekyll screenshot

A Jekyll version of the beautiful Docsy!

default image

A simple yet highly functional jekyll theme with backlinks, wiki-style links, context menu, page preview, sidenote etc

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A minimal jekyll theme for building books and blog.

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⚡️ A boilerplate with Jekyll and Webpack to make the most performant static websites

Minimal Mistakes Choiiis Customized screenshot

GitHub Blog Minimal Mistakes Theme Customized by choiiis

Uswds Site screenshot

USWDS website and documentation

default image

Self-hosteable Micropub endpoint that publishes to Jekyll by committing to GitHub

default image

Start your Jekyll (v3) project with Zurb Foundation for Sites (v6, sass).

Kiko screenshot



:apple: Kiko, a Jekyll Theme

Jekyll Anchor Headings screenshot

A GitHub Pages compatible way of adding anchors to your headings without a plug-in or JavaScript :octocat:

Jupyter.github.io screenshot

Project Jupyter's home on the World Wide Web

default image

Jekyll website template for personal academic or research group web pages.

Vscode Liquid screenshot

💧Liquid language support for VS Code

Links screenshot



A Beautiful Jekyll Theme For Links

Iosref screenshot



A one-stop quick reference spot for iOS developers. 🔎

Sublime Jekyll screenshot

A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.

default image

A simple markdown editor for static files (Hugo, Nexo, Jekyll, MkDocs, ...)

Datatalksclub.github.io screenshot

The web page for DataTalks.Club

default image

Boilerplate for a Jekyll and webpack integration

Ish.app screenshot

The iSH website

ET Jekyll screenshot

A minimal Jekyll theme inspired by Tufte CSS

Wax screenshot



Jekyll based framework for minimal exhibitions with IIIF 🐝

Kickster screenshot

Worry-free deploying to GitHub Pages using Jekyll

Gloria screenshot



Gloria is a static website generator, based on NodeJS.

Cyber.dhs.gov screenshot

A site for CISA directives

Opentheme screenshot

Powerful new theme featuring Semantic UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.

Opentheme screenshot

Powerful new theme featuring Semantic UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.

Vonge Jekyll Bookshop Template screenshot

📝 Personal blog template for Jekyll

Benbalter.github.com screenshot

The personal website of Ben Balter. Built using Jekyll and GitHub Pages. See humans.txt for more infos.

default image

🚀 Jekyll Progressive Web App Generator.

default image

⌛ Ruby library to compute distance of dates in words. Originally built for Jekyll.

default image

A starter template for Jekyll and Decap CMS

Galada screenshot



Galada is an easy and simple blog theme for Jekyll.

default image

You've been haacked and you like it

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A repository for open sourcing a solution for Data Saturdays

Editorial Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Jekyll version of the "Editorial" theme by HTML5 UP.

Treat Jekyll Template screenshot

:cake: Food/baking blog template for Jekyll

default image

Create static websites with no build configuration.

Medium 2 Md screenshot

A CLI tool that converts exported Medium posts (html) to Jekyll/Hugo compatible markdown with front matter.

default image

A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to markdown files to their rendered equivalents

Brew.sh screenshot

🔖 The Homebrew homepage

Help screenshot



The help website/knowledgebase (bitwarden.com/help).

default image

A menus (site navigation) plugin for your Jekyll website that also works with https://forestry.io (Jekyll CMS)

Modernist screenshot

Modernist is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Uswds Jekyll screenshot

A Jekyll theme showcasing the U.S. Web Design System

Athena screenshot



A simple and elegant theme for Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

Book screenshot



A Jekyll Theme

Frasco screenshot



Quick starter for Jekyll including full setup for Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, TypeScript, Webpack, ESLint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc.

Hospitalrun.io screenshot

HospitalRun website

Databall screenshot

Betting on the NBA with data

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弹幕姬的网站 https://www.danmuji.org 弹幕姬 https://github.com/copyliu/bililive_dm

Jekyll Org screenshot

org-mode converter for Jekyll.

Online Resume screenshot

A minimalist Jekyll theme for your resume.

Skyflash.github.io screenshot

🎨 My personal website

Harttle.github.io screenshot

Harttle Land 的源码和文章

Ogrants screenshot

Open grants list

Jekyll Minimal Theme Zh Cmn Hans screenshot

jekyll-minimal-theme的中文简体化,一款极简(风格)的 jekyll 主题

Fur Jekyll Template screenshot

:feet: E-Commerce template for Jekyll

Grape Theme screenshot

🍇This is a jekyll Grape-Theme. It is good for a portfolio as well as a blog!

Tw93.github.io screenshot

🧗‍♂️ Tw93 的个人博客

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My blog host on Github, use Github+Jekyll+Markdown.

Jekyll Postfiles screenshot

A Jekyll plugin that copies static files from the _posts to the _site folder

Minetest.github.io screenshot

Official Minetest website hosted by Github Pages

Ogrants screenshot

Open grants list

Jgmd screenshot



A directory of direct links to get your personal data from web services.

default image

A GitHub Action for building a Jekyll site (with custom plugins) and deploying it back to your gh-pages branch.

Md Cv screenshot

Md Cv


markdown cv / résumé built with jekyll

Projects screenshot

A website that showcases interesting projects, using Angular JS.

default image

A portfolio theme for Jekyll for artists to display their work - http://chrisanthropic.github.io/starving-artist-jekyll-theme/

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Using the Spectral theme from HTML5UP and jekyll, this is the source for https://arkadianriver.com. Clean demo and documentation at https://arkadianriver.github.io/arkadianriver.com

Tactile screenshot

Tactile is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Dinky screenshot



Dinky is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Startjekyll screenshot

An example and guide to getting started with Jekyll and static site generators.

Blog screenshot



My blog about computers, written in Jekyll and deployed to GitHub Pages

Cockpit Project.github.io screenshot

Cockpit Project Website

Template Pintereso Bootstrap Jekyll screenshot

Pintereso is a free Jekyll theme, Pinterest style.

default image

A Jekyll plugin to cache the rendering of Liquid includes

Jglovier.github.io screenshot

:notebook: Source for joelglovier.com. Built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages.

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fix & archive outgoing links on your website

Yanhaijing.github.io screenshot

公众号: 颜海镜,《现代JavaScript库开发:原理、技术与实战》作者

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NO LONGER UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT as of Jekyll 3: Pagination Generator for Jekyll

Website screenshot

Code for the official Nim programming language website

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Min's blog 欢迎访问我的博客主页!(Welcome to my blog website !)https://liweimin1996.github.io/ 百度云资源持续更新中,欢迎点赞star

Buhocms screenshot

A free and open source local CMS for static site generators

Cover Card screenshot

:necktie: Online business card with a minimal landing page theme for any social media or online presence account: fork, edit, and go!

Efcl.github.io screenshot

Web Scratchブログのリポジトリ

Jekyll Cv Crafter screenshot

Jekyll based CV generator

Opendefinition screenshot

Open Definition source

Free Tier Dev screenshot

A List of Developer tools in a Free Tier

Glim screenshot



Static site generator which is semi-compatible with Jekyll

Hocus Focus screenshot

A keyboard navigation horror game.

Training Center.github.io screenshot

Site do Centro de Treinamento

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Jekyll plugin for PWA

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💎 🔎 A gem version of @bhardin's SEO Jekyll tool

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Automatically opens external links in a new browser for Jekyll Pages, Posts and Docs.

Jekyll Docs Theme screenshot

A mediocre Jekyll theme for writing documentation websites based Bootstrap's old website design

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Illustrates how to integrate a highly flexible image gallery into a Jekyll blog/website.

Gh Pages Minima Starter screenshot

A minimal example for running Github Pages with the minima theme.

Jekyll Course Website Template screenshot

Feature-rich and easy-to-use Jekyll website template for academic courses

Merlot screenshot



Merlot is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Einverne.github.io screenshot

personal blog,using jekyll-bootstrap,powered by github page

Heckle screenshot



:black_nib: Jekyll in Haskell (feat. LaTeX)

Typing Jekyll Template screenshot

:syringe: Typing, is a template for Jekyll built especially for those who want to have a blog and pages quickly and lightly.

Aperture Jekyll Template screenshot

:camera: Photography portfolio Jekyll template

Course In A Box screenshot

An open-source project for creating online courses, built by P2PU

Dev Portfolio Blog screenshot

Minimal theme for blog and portfolio

Artist Theme screenshot

A free Jekyll theme

Buildtimes screenshot

✏️ Musings on building (and breaking) websites

Just The Docs Template screenshot

one-click template to use just-the-docs on GitHub Pages

CV screenshot



A resume template written in Markdown,Yaml JSON auto generates github-pages website & PDF by Jekyll. 在线简历生成模板(超高兼容可导PDF)

Vue Jekyll screenshot

This Repo is a bare-bones template for building static sites that leverage a client-side JS framework for dynamic functionality.

Ridicorp.github.io screenshot

📘리디 주식회사의 홈페이지입니다.

Jokecamp.com screenshot

personal blog and website

The Mvm.github.io screenshot

The Minimum Viable Model website and Jekyll theme.

Hacked Jekyll screenshot

Jekyll microtheme that looks like JSON

Feross.org screenshot

Pure concentrated awesome (a.k.a. my blog)

Time Machine screenshot

Time machine is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages

Dasper screenshot



A Jekyll theme

Swanson.github.com screenshot

blog, talks, book writeups

Minimalism screenshot

Minimalism is a Jekyll theme for minimalist!

Siteleaf.com screenshot

Siteleaf v2 theme for the siteleaf.com marketing site and blog

Material Bliss Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Material Theme for Jekyll created with React, Redux, and React-Router transpiled with Webpack

Material Bliss Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Material Theme for Jekyll created with React, Redux, and React-Router transpiled with Webpack

Retlab screenshot



A minimalist Jekyll theme for your personal site

Simplicity screenshot

A free, flexible, superfast and easily customizable Jekyll Theme with no Javascript but beautiful typography.

Cvless screenshot



Jekyll theme for a beautiful online CV

Duo screenshot



👬 A Simple Jekyll Theme.

Reveal Jekyll screenshot

Online presentation for GitHub Pages and Jekyll in Markdown using reveal.js with a Solarized Color Theme

Catbook screenshot

a category-centric theme for Jekyll

Dry screenshot



Dry is a new template engine and language, and is a superset of Shopify's Liquid, with first-class support for advanced inheritance features, and more. From the creators of Enquirer, Assemble, Remarkable, and Micromatch.

Willard Yuan.github.io screenshot

💎 Yong's Homepage

Mkdocs Jekyll screenshot

The Material theme from MkDocs provided as a Jekyll template, optimized for GitHub Pages

Jekyll Netlify Boilerplate screenshot

A simple Jekyll template for creating a fast, static website on Netlify

Jekyll Polymer screenshot

A material theme for Jekyll built with Polymer

Jekyll Material Design screenshot

Jekyll Bootstrap 3 with the material design flavour. Publish your materialized blog using GitHub Pages easily.

Jekyll Multiverse Template screenshot

HTML5UP's Multiverse theme for Jekyll

Mvp Template screenshot

Template for a minimum viable API developer portal, based in Jekyll

Simplest Startup Starter screenshot

Opinionated HTML landing page template

Snipcart Jekyll screenshot

Demo for a Snipcart powered e-commerce store built with Jekyll

Tomstillcoding.github.io screenshot

🎙️这是一个通过 jekyll + GitHub Pages 搭建的个人免费博客,可以通过 fork + 改造 + 用 Typora 编写文章的方法,打造你的个人博客。特点是方便、快捷,从搭建到发布第一篇文章、访问,3分钟内解决,甚至不用写任何一行代码,博客网页内容完全自定义、无广告、无注册,各种插件免费安装!

Jekyll Timeline screenshot

Timeline / Résumé Theme with Jekyll

Lens Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Jekyll version of the "Lens" theme by HTML5 UP.

Jekyll Lab Notebook screenshot

📓 A full-featured electronic lab notebook theme (with plugins!) for Jekyll

Elementary screenshot

Minimal Jekyll theme optimized for performance, accessibility, usability and readability. https://nagekar.com

Jekyll Lens screenshot

A Jekyll theme for photographers and photo bloggers. 📸

Jekyll Theme Dumbarton screenshot

Dumbarton is a Jekyll Theme developed by Tyler Butler. The theme is designed for academics and features a simple home page with an about me section, a blog, and an interactive highlights section to describe publications, coursework, courses taught, and projects. UI design with Bootstrap and Anima...

Ljvmiranda921.github.io screenshot

✨ Github repository for my website

Tekknolagi.github.com screenshot

My personal website

Uni screenshot



A one-page jekyll theme.

Vida screenshot



A simple and beautiful jekyll theme.

Snipcart V2 Jekyll screenshot

Demo code for an e-commerce static site with Snipcart v2.0 & Jekyll

Jekyll Indieweb screenshot

A Jekyll quick start to getting up and going with the IndieWeb

Derrick screenshot

🙌 Derrick is a clean minimal and fast theme for a personal blog.

Jekyll Rdf screenshot

📃 A Jekyll plugin to include RDF data in your static site or build a complete site for your RDF graph

Liquidpy screenshot

A port of liquid template engine for python

Business Jekyll Theme screenshot

Business Jekyll Theme for your business

Emacs Easy Jekyll screenshot

Emacs major mode for managing jekyll

Grunt Assemble screenshot

Static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. Used by Zurb Foundation, Zurb Ink, H5BP, Topcoat, Web Experience Toolkit, and hundreds of other projects to build sites, themes, components, documentation, blogs and gh-pages.

Online Resume screenshot

Programmers Online Resume Website Jekyll Theme Check Live Preview @

ZJiaJun.github.io screenshot

My blog. Powered by Jekyll

Nicolas.perriault.net screenshot

My personal blog

Overkyll Jekyll Theme screenshot

A simple starter theme with an ITCSS Sass files organisation, a flexbox grid and modular typography

Celeste screenshot

A lightweight theme for Jekyll featuring a minimalist, content-first design.

CodeboyBlog screenshot


Jekyll Kieta Theme screenshot

Clean knowledge sharing jekyll theme

Saber Theme Tailsaw screenshot

A Saber theme for blogging, based on Jigsaw's Blog Template.

Petridish screenshot

Jekyll theme for research project websites 🧫

Hoochanlon.github.io screenshot

✒ 一个写字的地方,以生活日记与碎片化笔记为主,用于分享和交流。对hexo搭建及发布博客与配置静态主题有详细介绍

Code Cookbook screenshot

Reusable code patterns which you can use as reference or copy to your project 👩‍💻👨‍🍳📖🥗

Sobolevn.github.io screenshot

sobolevn's personal page, where I rant about software and management

Omgmog.github.com screenshot

This is my Jekyll-powered blog.

Jessesquires.com screenshot

Turing complete with a stack of 0xdeadbeef

Precondition.github.io screenshot

Personal Weblog with tools and guides for QMK keyboards. Home of the home row mods guide

Milanaryal.github.io screenshot

Source code for Milan Aryal

ConstexprJS screenshot

Evaluate and strip JS in your website ahead of time

Jekyll screenshot



Wechaty Official Website for News, Blogs, Contributor Profiles, Powered by Jekyll.

Autumn screenshot



🍁 Autumn is a minimalistic, duo-chromatic Jekyll theme that pairs a prominent headline with two column content.

Miguelmota.github.io screenshot

My Hugo powered blog

Blog Template screenshot

Template for the Jekyll-powered elementary blog

Izhengfan.github.io screenshot

My homepage and blog.

Maximevaillancourt.com screenshot

Personal blog 📝

Summer screenshot



🍦 Summer is a simple Jekyll theme with a photo sidebar.

LazyRen.github.io screenshot

Lazy Ren's blog.

Hyde screenshot



☄️ 개인 블로그 / 포트폴리오 템플릿입니다.

The Stack screenshot

Website and datasets for The Stack, Daily Bruin's data journalism and newsroom tech blog.

Genicsblog.com screenshot

Static site for Genics Blog: An open source developer publication.

Jekyll Jeffreytse Blog screenshot

📝 One retentive zone to save my learning and ​thoughts.

Jekyll Theme 8bit screenshot

👾 A Jekyll theme inspired by classic 8bit games.

Oinam Jekyll screenshot

A simple, clean, and minimal Jekyll Theme.

Chadbaldwin.github.io screenshot

The repo that drives my blog chadbaldwin.net

Devblog screenshot

adesso Developer Blog

Remarkablemark.github.io screenshot

🎩 Site of @remarkablemark.

Kevinoliveira.com.br screenshot

My personal page

Houbb.github.io screenshot

🧀The blog for github pages.

Primer Spec screenshot

A Jekyll theme for sites with content-heavy pages

Pwa_jekyll screenshot

Jekyll + PWA + IndieWeb. A starter for publishing your own content. Support for WebMentions, Service Workers and Netlify CMS is built in.

Remple screenshot



A simple jekyll based resume template

default image

This is my personal website with my blog (simplified Chinese) and works

News O O screenshot

📰 News from the openSUSE Land

Qddegtya.github.io screenshot

🎞 Colorful

GuoZeyu.com screenshot


Hugotunius.se screenshot

My website/blog. Jekyll, S3, Cloudflare

Liuyxpp.github.io screenshot

Homepage for my research group as an example of LYX Jekyll Theme.

Rubynepal.github.io screenshot

Official website of Ruby Nepal

Bazel Blog screenshot

Content of the Bazel blog

Lone Wolf Theme screenshot

A simple bootstrap based jekyll theme.

Portfolio screenshot

My portfolio website

Research screenshot

My past public researches are archived here

Skybet.github.io screenshot

SB&G Technology Site

Blog screenshot




Blog screenshot



Parse Community Blog

Jektex screenshot



A Jekyll plugin for blazing-fast server-side cached LaTeX rendering, with support for macros. Enjoy the comfort of LaTeX and Markdown without cluttering your site with bloated JavaScript.

Source.coveo.com screenshot

Our technical blog.

Aktech.github.io screenshot

My Homepage/Blog at Github. :pencil:

Jekyll Latex screenshot

Jekyll theme with beautiful LaTeX typography

Jekyll Theme Cs50 screenshot

This is @cs50's theme for Jekyll. Inspired by https://github.com/poole/hyde.

Airframe screenshot

Free SaaS template for Projects and Tasks http://airframe.vercel.app

Amp Affiliately Jekyll Theme screenshot

An AMP-Ready Jekyll Blog Theme

Elixir Toolkit Theme screenshot

Flexible Jekyll theme using bootstrap 5 as CSS framework.

Meefik.github.io screenshot

Meefik's Blog

Blog screenshot



Xmartlabs Blog

Cassidyjames.github.io screenshot

Personal site for Cassidy James Blaede

Jefftriplett.github.io screenshot

:pencil: My blog which is held together by duct tape and bailer twine

Ru.yegor256.com screenshot

My Russian blog about politics and social problems

Ultralight screenshot

Super lightweight Jekyll theme

Bloghacks screenshot

Jekyll demo blog for "256 Bloghacks" book

Chem324 screenshot

Quantum Mechanics for Chemistry course at Iowa State University (Chem324)

Codingbobby.github.io screenshot

coding bobby's website's source code's repo

Jr.com Mm screenshot

My site repo utilizing @mmistakes theme minimal-mistakes

Nithinbekal.github.io screenshot

My personal website and blog, created with Jekyll

Mebjas.github.io screenshot

Repository for hosting my personal home page and blog.

Moonrise screenshot

🌅 Moonrise is a fresh take on the classic Moon theme, with a modern design, improved responsiveness, and more customization options.

Hutusi.github.com screenshot

My readings, my thoughts.

Soccer Website Generator screenshot

超业余足球联赛网站生成器; Unprofessional soccer league website generator

Aloerina01.github.io screenshot

Technical, web and sweets blog built by Jekyll.

Emacsredux screenshot

Emacs Redux is a blog dedicated to the One True Editor

Fjp.github.io screenshot

:triangular_ruler: Personal GitHub web page. Based on the minimal-mistakes Jekyll theme.

News.eolang.org screenshot

Our Official Blog: we write about the development of EOLANG and 𝜑-calculus

The Simple Arabic Theme screenshot

Arabic theme for blogging

Theme screenshot



💅 Jekyll theme for doublegreat.dev

Tropical Punch screenshot

🍹 🍼 🍾 🍶 🍷 ☕ 🥂 🥛 🥃 🍸 🥤 🫖 🍺 🧋 🧃 🧉

Vsoch.github.io screenshot

Hi, I'm Vanessa (vsoch, the Vanessasaurus) and this is where I write things.

Yizeng.me screenshot

Source code for my Jekyll-based personal website

Apereo.github.io screenshot

Apereo Community Blog

Cometeme.github.io screenshot

Blog with GitHub Pages

Rimdev Blog screenshot

The technical blog for the Ritter Insurance Marketing development department.

Rimdev Blog screenshot

The technical blog for the Ritter Insurance Marketing development department.

Spring screenshot



🌱 Spring is a one-page, two-column Jekyll theme, ideal for long-form content.

Website screenshot

The official website for the Faithful Project.

Yshmarov.github.io screenshot

SupeRails blog built with Jekyll. All blogposts source code available here