Jekyll Templates & Themes

Minimal Mistakes screenshot

A popular and well maintained Jekyll theme suitable for blogs, personal and portfolio sites. This theme is extremely well coded, highly customizable and well documented.

Jekyll Advance screenshot

Advance is a premium, multi-purpose Jekyll theme.

Jekyll Origin screenshot

Origin is a fully featured premium blog theme.

Jekyll Curate screenshot

Curate is a finely designed portfolio theme with multiple layouts. screenshot

Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

Al Folio screenshot

A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics

Assemble screenshot

Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at web development! Used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websites/static site generator, an alternative to Jekyll for gh-pages and m...

Moon screenshot



🌓 Moon is a minimal, one column jekyll theme.

So Simple Theme screenshot

A simple Jekyll theme for words and pictures.

Modern Resume Theme screenshot

A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.

Resume Template screenshot

:page_facing_up::briefcase::tophat: A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.

Photography screenshot

A free online portfolio website to showcase your photos.

Digital Garden Jekyll Template screenshot

Start your own digital garden using this Jekyll template 🌱

Jekflix Template screenshot

A Jekyll theme inspired by Netflix. 🎬

Mobile App Landingpage Template screenshot

📱 Free to use static generated website template for your mobile app

Swiss screenshot



Jekyll theme inspired by Swiss design

Jekyll Gitbook screenshot

Build Jekyll site with GitBook style!

Vuepress Theme Ktquez screenshot

A blog theme for VuePress by Ktquez 🤘

Agency Jekyll Theme screenshot

Jekyll version of the newest Agency Bootstrap theme, plus new features: Google Analytics, Markdown support, custom pages, and more!

Halve screenshot



Stylish Two-Column Jekyll Theme

Resume screenshot



A minimalist resume template for Jekyll and Hexo

default image

A port of the Airspace theme by ThemeFisher to Jekyll.

Jekyll Dash screenshot

🌒 Light and dark blog theme for Jekyll, inspired by Dash UI for Atom.

Just The Class screenshot

A modern, highly customizable, responsive Jekyll template for course websites.

Nkd screenshot



Template for jekyll project with postcss and browser-sync

Oscailte screenshot

Oscailte — A powerful light, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme.

Docsy Jekyll screenshot

A Jekyll version of the beautiful Docsy!

Minimal Mistakes Choiiis Customized screenshot

GitHub Blog Minimal Mistakes Theme Customized by choiiis

Kiko screenshot



:apple: Kiko, a Jekyll Theme

default image

Jekyll website template for personal academic or research group web pages.

Links screenshot



A Beautiful Jekyll Theme For Links

Kickster screenshot

Worry-free deploying to GitHub Pages using Jekyll

Opentheme screenshot

Powerful new theme featuring Semantic UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.

Opentheme screenshot

Powerful new theme featuring Semantic UI for speedily creating amazing websites and mobile-hybrid apps on GitHub Pages.

Editorial Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Jekyll version of the "Editorial" theme by HTML5 UP.

Athena screenshot



A simple and elegant theme for Jekyll and GitHub Pages.

default image

My blog host on Github, use Github+Jekyll+Markdown.

Template Pintereso Bootstrap Jekyll screenshot

Pintereso is a free Jekyll theme, Pinterest style.

Cover Card screenshot

:necktie: Online business card with a minimal landing page theme for any social media or online presence account: fork, edit, and go!

Gh Pages Minima Starter screenshot

A minimal example for running Github Pages with the minima theme.

Typing Jekyll Template screenshot

:syringe: Typing, is a template for Jekyll built especially for those who want to have a blog and pages quickly and lightly.

Course In A Box screenshot

An open-source project for creating online courses, built by P2PU

Dev Portfolio Blog screenshot

Minimal theme for blog and portfolio

Just The Docs Template screenshot

one-click template to use just-the-docs on GitHub Pages

The screenshot

The Minimum Viable Model website and Jekyll theme.

Dasper screenshot



A Jekyll theme

Simplicity screenshot

A free, flexible, superfast and easily customizable Jekyll Theme with no Javascript but beautiful typography.

Dry screenshot



Dry is a new template engine and language, and is a superset of Shopify's Liquid, with first-class support for advanced inheritance features, and more. From the creators of Enquirer, Assemble, Remarkable, and Micromatch.

Jekyll Polymer screenshot

A material theme for Jekyll built with Polymer

Jekyll Timeline screenshot

Timeline / Résumé Theme with Jekyll

Lens Jekyll Theme screenshot

A Jekyll version of the "Lens" theme by HTML5 UP.

Elementary screenshot

Minimal Jekyll theme optimized for performance, accessibility, usability and readability.

Uni screenshot



A one-page jekyll theme.

Jekyll Indieweb screenshot

A Jekyll quick start to getting up and going with the IndieWeb

Business Jekyll Theme screenshot

Business Jekyll Theme for your business

Saber Theme Tailsaw screenshot

A Saber theme for blogging, based on Jigsaw's Blog Template.

Petridish screenshot

Jekyll theme for research project websites 🧫

Code Cookbook screenshot

Reusable code patterns which you can use as reference or copy to your project 👩‍💻👨‍🍳📖🥗 screenshot

Personal Weblog with tools and guides for QMK keyboards. Home of the home row mods guide

Autumn screenshot



🍁 Autumn is a minimalistic, duo-chromatic Jekyll theme that pairs a prominent headline with two column content.

Blog Template screenshot

Template for the Jekyll-powered elementary blog

Summer screenshot



🍦 Summer is a simple Jekyll theme with a photo sidebar.

Jekyll Theme 8bit screenshot

👾 A Jekyll theme inspired by classic 8bit games.

Oinam Jekyll screenshot

A simple, clean, and minimal Jekyll Theme.

Primer Spec screenshot

A Jekyll theme for sites with content-heavy pages

Lone Wolf Theme screenshot

A simple bootstrap based jekyll theme.

Airframe screenshot

Free SaaS template for Projects and Tasks

Amp Affiliately Jekyll Theme screenshot

An AMP-Ready Jekyll Blog Theme Mm screenshot

My site repo utilizing @mmistakes theme minimal-mistakes

Spring screenshot



🌱 Spring is a one-page, two-column Jekyll theme, ideal for long-form content.