Jekyll personal

Minimal Mistakes screenshot

A popular and well maintained Jekyll theme suitable for blogs, personal and portfolio sites. This theme is extremely well coded, highly customizable and well documented.

Al Folio screenshot

A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics

Modern Resume Theme screenshot

A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.

Resume Template screenshot

:page_facing_up::briefcase::tophat: A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.

Markdown Cv screenshot

a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it. screenshot

Third iteration of my personal website built with Jekyll

Made Mistakes Jekyll screenshot

Deprecated source for Previously built with Jekyll, Gulp, and Netlify.

Resume Website screenshot

Website for JSON Resume. 🏡 DEPRECATED - SEE MONO screenshot

(Minimalism Style) Powered by Jekyll, based on the Minimal Mistakes theme and Jason Ansel's website

Online Resume screenshot

A minimalist Jekyll theme for your resume. screenshot

🎨 My personal website

Md Cv screenshot

Md Cv


markdown cv / résumé built with jekyll

CV screenshot



A resume template written in Markdown,Yaml JSON auto generates github-pages website & PDF by Jekyll. 在线简历生成模板(超高兼容可导PDF)

Hacked Jekyll screenshot

Jekyll microtheme that looks like JSON

Cvless screenshot



Jekyll theme for a beautiful online CV

Jekyll Timeline screenshot

Timeline / Résumé Theme with Jekyll screenshot

My personal website

Derrick screenshot

🙌 Derrick is a clean minimal and fast theme for a personal blog.

Online Resume screenshot

Programmers Online Resume Website Jekyll Theme Check Live Preview @ screenshot

sobolevn's personal page, where I rant about software and management screenshot

Source code for Milan Aryal screenshot

My Hugo powered blog screenshot

My personal page

default image

This is my personal website with my blog (simplified Chinese) and works screenshot

Hi, I'm Vanessa (vsoch, the Vanessasaurus) and this is where I write things.